The European project “Nature-Based Solutions for Atlantic Regional Climate Resilience” (NBRACER) was launched in October 2023 for three years. It aims to test nature-based solutions (NBS) in 8 European Atlantic Regions, including the Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
In Nouvelle-Aquitaine, two projects are located in Marais-Poitevin and Lot-et-Garonne. They focus on a range of solutions to slow down the water cycle and the role of groundwater in wetlands. Given its spreading scientific knowledge on climate change in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine mission, AcclimaTerra will follow the project’s development and highlight its advances with local governments and citizens.

AcclimaTerra is part of 29 European partners working on the NBRACER project, whose purpose is to investigate several nature-based solutions and then reproduce them at a larger scale to accelerate our adaptation to the climate change consequences.
The Nouvelle-Aquitaine is one of the European regions where several NBS will be tested, besides seven other Atlantic regions of the EU, from Denmark to Portugal, including the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain.
Nature-based solutions are ecological restoration and/or ecosystem conservation actions to fight climate change effects and improve biodiversity. The solutions tested in Nouvelle-Aquitaine will be focused on stakes linked to water. More precisely, it will study water table refill and its part in some ecosystem maintenance. The Region coordinates this project, which gathers several local players in the Marais Poitevin and the Lot-et-Garonne.

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NBRACER official website
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Léa Pambrun
+33 5 56 84 69 09